A-DAFx: download the thesis (in French)

updated on 2005/11/08


PhD Thesis (in French)  

You can downolad my PhD thesis (2004/01/06, 7.1 Mo, PDF), using StuffIt to dezip.

About hyperlinks

The PhD thesis uses hyperliens for navigation, for text as for sounds (AAC-MPEG4 Audio) and videos (MPEG4 Video). In order to have the hyperlinks working, you must:

  1. decompress sound archives using StuffIt,
  2. create a directory called "Sounds", and place into it all the sounds in AAC format. The thesis "Verfaille_PhD.pdf" must be kept out of this directory.

Sound Examples

The sound examples are given by group of files, as archives:

  1. reference sounds (20 sounds, 6.9 Mo),
  2. CD 1 sounds (71 sounds, 22.2 Mo),
  3. CD 2 sounds (41 sounds, 17.9 Mo).

Other information

The videos that goes with the thesis are now available for download:

  1. adaptive equalizer (34.3 Mo, PDF),
  2. adaptative spatialization (26.1 Mo, PDF),
  3. adaptive, pitch-shifting and time-scaling, DAFx03 (16 Mo, PDF),

If you want to burn the CD from the AAC files, you may need the booklet (2.3 Mo, PDF), the CD label (2.7 Mo, PDF) and the CD box text (3.3 Mo, PDF).

PhD defense

You can also download the PhD defense file (4.2 Mo, PDF), as well as extras (2.7 Mo, PDF). These two documents do not have hyperlinks (to the sounds) yet.

Thanks for contacting me (adafx@free.fr) in case of problem while downloading.